Thursday, August 13, 2009

Volume of cone, sphere and pyramid (Video)

Volume of a Sphere

Volume of a Cone

Volume of a pyramid

1. Do you enjoy learning this way? or would you prefer to hear the teacher's voice? Explain your choice.

2. Explain in your own words how (i) the volume of a cone is related to the volume of a cylinder. (ii) the volume of a pyramid is related to the volume of a rectangular prism. (iii) the volume of a sphere is related to the volume of a cylinder.

3. Does watching the video convince you about the formula for volume of a cone, pyramid and sphere? Explain why and how.

4. Does watching the video help you recall the formula for volume of a cone, pyramid and sphere better? Explain why and how.

5. State the formula of the volume of a (i) cone, (ii) pyramid and (iii) sphere.

6** How is the volume of the cone related to the volume of the sphere if the cone has the same height as the diameter of the sphere?

Post your comments and remember to leave your name and class. Please remember to use proper English in your comments.